
Monday, 19 September 2016

How to Make Indian Fried Rice

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The Indian fried rice is a yummy recipe that is packed with many flavours that will make you asking for more when prepared. Indian fried rice recipe is very simple but tasty to the peak and guess what, It very simple to prepare.

The Indian fried rice is best prepared with basmati rice, but you can always initiate you idea,  The basmati rice will dominate and make an awesome combo with the pepper and veggies flavour.

Now come on, let’s cook us some delicious Indian fried rice.


Indian Fried Rice Ingredients
Basmati rice - 1 cup
Carrot - 1
Beans ( I used baby beans) - 12
Baby corn - 5
Pepper powder - 1 tsp
Spring onion - 4 sprig
Olive oil - 3 tbsp
Sugar - 1/2 tsp


Wash the rice and cook it with 1½ cup of water and separate the grains.

You will have to Cut the veggies (vegetables) very finely so that it will get cooked easily in a short period of time.

Dont forget to heat a broad pan with olive oil also you can substitute it with an oil of your choice. When the pan and the oil are hot, add the veggies with sugar and fry for 2 minutes or until its cooked. Make sure the veggies retain their crunchiness at the end.

Lastly add pepper, spring onion and fry for a minute. Add cooked, rice and stir till it gets heated up.


You may also replace olive oil with sesame oil or any other healthy oil.
You can try the same with left over rice by keeping it overnight in fridge.
You should add ajinomotto seasoning and soya sauce in this same recipe.
Black pepper was added to this Indian rice recipe, but white pepper is recommended as it gives a colourful result!
Sugar is added to retain colour.
Use best quality basmati rice as the rice flavour plays a main role in this recipe. But you can always use the type of rice you have at home too.
Veggies should not be over cooked, just make sure it’s just crunchy.

And boooom! your Indian fried rice is ready to be served. You can serve your Indian fried rice with a cool juice and wine also.

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